Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The sights and sounds of Jaipur

Jaipur 28th April

We had a great dinner after we got off the train and left our bags at the hotel, a Thali (Indian all you can eat- and you don't even have to get up... they bring the food to you!). HOWEVER, walking home from the restaurant there was a blackout, so we're walking through slums-ville Jaipur there are street dogs, rubbish, holes in the ground and all of a sudden there is no light to speak of and we're stumbling through trying to find our way back... and still, even in the pitch black, people are calling out 'Hello missus, yes?' How can they tell we're westerners even in the pitch black? We must smell different.
Jaipur 29th April

Picture this: Its a thousand degrees celcius, there is dust blowing everywhere, the smell of animal dung/ death/ two-stroke in the air, horns are blaring incessantly, and you are bumping along in a rickshaw, while the rickshaw driver tells you he's taking you to 'his' textile shop in the opposite direction to your hotel... Are you in hell? No, you're in Jaipur! (street vendor- he likes yellow)

This we could handle quite well in the morning, back then it was charming. But by 1:30pm we just wanted to get back to our room as soon as possible and I was not willing to be polite about it :)
Overall Jaipur has been quite interesting, actually the town of Amber up in the hills behind Jaipur is ten times better. Its the home to the amazing Amber Fort (a thousand times better than City Palace in Jaipur FYI and cheaper).
(spectacular Amber Fort)
(Enjoying some cool inside the Amber Fort)
(Shade: if they could charge you for it they would... '20 rupees madam')
The City Palace is a blend of Mughal and Rajasthani architecture... and the current Maharaja and Maharani live there.
(inside City Palace)
We saw some 'artisans' (real ones) who did us our own personal little picture, his paintings usually go for up to AUD $1000, there was also some really cool weapons in the weapon room, daggers and swords and sword-guns (together at last).
(the palace of the winds, separate from the city palace, this was where the ladies were allowed to sit and watch the action in Jaipur)

We only have one night and one day here and the place we are staying is lovely, the owners are really nice and the room is really spotless and nicely decorated.

We kind of did the touristy thing today and hired a rickshaw because of the tight timeframe. We got stuff done quick but it was slightly marred by his incessant attempts at the end of the day to get us into shops (we refused to leave the rickshaw :) ('Our' rickshaw driver)

We are leaving tonight to catch the train to Jodhpur and will be having our first Couchsurfing experience (as surfers, we've hosted before). If no-one hears from us in about a week send out a search party :)