Sunday, June 28, 2009

Eastern Europe Quiz

Here's a mini-quiz on Eastern Europe. Just answer Tourist or Eastern European to the questions below. Scroll down for answers, no peeking!

1. Who wears short shorts?
2. Who stumbles around in large drunken groups with matching t-shirts/ outfits?
3. Who chain smokes and drinks hard liquor for breakfast?
4. Who wears socks with sandals?
5. Who loves to gamble?
6. Who always looks like their ready to play touch footy?
7. Who has embarrassing accents?
8. Who wears bum bags?
Bonus Question:
9. What makes Eastern Europe like India?

1. Who wears short shorts? Eastern Europeans! Specifically Split teenage girls aged 12-17, we saw some so short their undies hung out... not a good look.

2. Who stumbles around in large drunken groups with matching t-shirts/ outfits? Tourists, the latest rage is for groups of English lads (and now ladettes) to buy cheap air tickets to some poor unsuspecting eastern european city and parade around drinking cheap beer and causing a raucous all in matching t-shirts.. yuk.. stop it now...

3. Who chain smokes and drinks hard liquor? Eastern Europeans! The most popular Cafes I've seen so far in Europe are smoke filled alcohol dens that don't sell any food to speak of, if you're lucky they might sell coffee... maybe.

4. Who wears socks with sandals? Eastern Europeans! Well more specifically Northern Europeans so I guess they're Tourists as well, you get a point if you chose either.

5. Who loves to gamble? Eastern Europeans! oh my gosh if I see one more 'hole in the wall' gambling joint packed to the rafters I'm going to have to have to try my hand at electronic roulette... not.

6. Who always looks like their ready to play touch footy? Tourists, specifically American ones, get around in joggers, sports shorts, a cap and slurping on a drink bottle and look like they're at footy training.

7. Who has embarrassing accents? Tourists. Theres nothing more cringe-worthy than hearing a twangy American accent rise above the crowd, Australian ones aren't much better.

8. Who wears bum bags? Eastern Europeans! they love it, its all the rage here and maybe the odd Japanese tourist.

Bonus Question:
9. What makes Eastern Europe like India? Touts hassling you at the train station, crazy drivers, cheap food, train stations have a family of friendly dogs in residence, you have to pay to use the loo, they have slums (well Bulgaria does), and hugely inflated currencies. Any other suggestions welcome.

Tell me your score in a comment!!


Anonymous June 30, 2009 at 4:48 AM  

you used to wear a bum bag karly! and it looked quite fetching! love out loud xoxoxo

Anonymous June 30, 2009 at 4:48 AM  

you used to wear a bum bag karly! and it looked quite fetching! love out loud xoxoxo

Karly and Nick June 30, 2009 at 5:59 AM  

hey! stop spilling the beans about me :)

Anonymous July 1, 2009 at 1:51 AM  

Hey its mum i got them all right, and i too remember you(karly) wearing a bum bag... so cute...Bulgaria sounds a tad sus at least the dogs are friendly. i got skype today having a problemo with it. Ill get the boss(john) to have a look next driving lesson.Yes look out jacqui's out there on the highways and biways throughing dust up in her wake yeehaww.. lots of warm fuzzies mum, jacqui xoxoxoxoxoxo

Anonymous July 1, 2009 at 1:53 AM  

sorry throwing not throughing oh dear enough time on the computer love you both mum xoxoxoxoxoxox