Monday, July 6, 2009

Nis as in Niche

Friendly Montenegrin dogs at Bar train station.
BAP, or Bar train station.

Nick in Nis with a burger.
Ниш? of course, Nis, silly me.

Ok so that last post was a biggie I know but hey its all good and most of its pictures anyway so make sure you check it out!

Friday 26th June

Making a beeline from angry Montenegrins and an overdeveloped coastline we got on the overnight train from Bar to Nis- pronounced Niche as this blog title suggests. We probably skipped over the best part of Montenegro, the interior, specifically there was a national park I wanted to check out, but we couldn't even bear to stay one night in hideous Bar. After killing a couple hours waiting for the train at Bar, hanging out with friendly station dogs, we boarded the train, happy to have sleeper berths this time.
We were sharing the cabin with a middle aged couple. innocent looking enough. The guy turned out to be a chain smoking alco who got up LITERALLY every 10 minutes, had a swig of his 2 litre bottle of beer and stumbled out to the hall for a smoke. He usually left the door open though so we got most of the smoke anyway....

We made it to Nis eventually, with part of our lungs left.
Nis was a pretty nice city, considering its an industrial centre for Serbia. The Serbians were very friendly and although most of them spoke no English whatsoever they tried to help as much as possible. After hanging round most the day waiting for our train, we got on the wrong train to Sofia, going in the opposite direction to Sofia... then we had to get off, catch a train back and we missed our train. We managed to get a refund on our train tickets (with no speaking) and raced over to the bus station to catch the bus to Sofia. We got on the right bus (checked that about 50 times) and were finally on our way to the capital of Bulgaria!!!


Anonymous July 9, 2009 at 5:48 AM  

ha ha ha ha ha ha h ah ah ah ah, "cos i'm headin' in the wrong direction, for your lovin' and affection" i mean to say...."i told you we were on the wrong platform" was a good thing you didn't end up in the shunting yards at lithgow at 2am, with no more trains anywhere, and its starting to sleet! you know that sinking feeling that you get when you wonder how long can the sun be on the wrong side of the train,...." know i don't ask that much of you , but now , well...." least the passports didn't stay on the wrong train! OH MY GOD! THE PASSPORTS! LOL

Karly and Nick July 9, 2009 at 11:02 AM  

yeah, needless to say it was the first and last time we got on a train without checking with someone first....